My check-out time is nearing and it’s time to go home. A couple days ago an envelope was placed on my door with a letter inside. The letter discussed information about checking out and the transfer to the airport, but the letter didn’t contain my pick-up time. I stopped by the front desk and the lady was able to give me the time. As I pack up my room, I collect all the random papers and place them in a nice stack. I pickup the envelope and realize that on the front side of the envelope are all the times and details for my departure. They listed a bag pick-up time of 9:30am, a check-out time of 10:30am, and an 11am bus pick-up time for my 2:45pm flight. I didn't think to read the envelope itself and had read everything inside of the envelope.
I woke up at 7am because there was more I wanted to explore. First, I went to the buffet for a quick breakfast. It included mango, kiwi, and peaches with a side of bacon. I also had some freshly squeezed orange juice. Then, my friend met up with me to help film a couple shots for a video I’m creating. We filmed a bit with the Dutch bicycles, the infinity pool, and at the beach. I then went to the Pickleball Courts for one last video clip. I arrived to my room at 9:20am and I thought there was no way I’m making the 9:30am bag pickup time. I shower and finish packing and sure enough it’s after 9:30am. No worries, I can wheel my bag up front.

Around 10:10am I move towards the lobby to checkout with my wheeling suitcase and two small bags. I get a couple doors down from my room and the bellman walks by and offers to take my bags. Sweet! I’m left with my backpack and go to checkout. Checking out was very easy and then I find a seat in the lobby. There are a lot of us leaving today and because there aren’t that many flights in and out of Curacao to the United States. A lot of us are on the same flight. It’s really hot and all the moving around in the morning has me sweating even after a shower. I go downstairs and grab an iced mocha. It was delicious and the perfect cold drink for departure.
Eventually, it’s time to depart. An announcement is made and we move from the lobby to outside. Several bags are around and I quickly find mine. I wait until my room number is called and then I hand over my luggage and board the bus. The bus is filled to the max and then we are off to the airport. Sandals Curacao is in a remote area of the island and it takes about 45 minutes to arrive at the airport. The airport has check-in screens, but they aren’t working for our flight. Given how many people were at Sandals to board this flight, it really wasn’t that crowded. I didn’t have to wait long for the gate agent to check my passport and my bag.
There are two lines for security and I’m not really sure who is supposed to go where, but the security guard pointed me to one of the lines. There are self-serve machines and gates. You scan your boarding pass and then the light turns green and the gate opens. It looks very similar to a machine I used in the Netherlands. Next, are two lines for immigration. One line has another set of automated machines and the other line has immigration officers. The line you’re in depends on which way the security officers directed you. It seems to be random who goes to which line. The immigration officer checked my boarding pass and passport and then I was off to security. Laptops must be removed from bags and shoes taken off. The shoes go in on their own and the laptops/tablets go into a bin. Bags are on their own too. Everyone walks through a metal detector and all bags are scanned. The line moved quickly and it was a good experience.
This is a really nice Caribbean airport. I find a lovely Dutch shop where I buy a container of Gouda and a water. Soon enough, it’s time to board the flight. I’m flying American Airlines and had a wonderful journey. All my flights have been on time and I even arrived home early.
Sandals Royal Curacao is an amazing place and I can’t wait to go back and visit! It’s a great place to celebrate a wedding anniversary or getaway for a long weekend away from the kids.